Call for Participation - 14th International Conference on Mobile & Wireless Networks (MoWiN 2025)
January 25 ~ 26, 2025, Copenhagan,Denmark
We invite you to join us on 14thInternational Conference on Mobile & Wireless Networks (MoWiN 2025)
This conference dedicated to address the challenges in the areas of wireless & mobile networks.
The conference looks for significant contributions to the Wireless & Mobile computing in
theoretical and practical aspects. The Wireless & Mobile computing domain emerges from the
integration among personal computing, networks, communication technologies, cellular technology
and the Internet Technology. The modern applications are emerging in the area of mobile ad hoc
networks and sensor networks. This conference is intended to cover contributions in both the
design and analysis in the context of mobile, wireless, ad-hoc and sensor networks. The goal of this
conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus
on advanced wireless & Mobile computing concepts and establishing new collaborations in these
Non-Author / Co-Author/ Simple Participants (no paper)
490 USD for Online (Without Proccedings)
450 USD for Face to Face (With Proceedings)
Here's where you can reach us mail: or
User Name : tania
Posted 17-01-2025 on 21:31:58 AEDT