Hardware and Architectural Support for Security and Privacy
(HASP 2017)
June 24,2017
Toronto, Canada
Call for Paper
Although much attention has been directed to the study of security at the system and application levels, security and privacy research focusing on hardware and architecture aspects is still a new frontier. In the era of cloud computing, smartphones and Internet of Things (IoT), practitioners and researchers have to address new challenges and requirements in order to meet the ever-changing landscape of security research and new demands from consumers, enterprises, governments, defense and other industries.
HASP is intended to bring together researchers, developers, and practitioners from academia and industry, to share practical implementations and experiences related to all aspects of hardware and architectural support for security and privacy, and to discuss future trends in research and applications.
Topics of interest :
Secure hardware architectures for smart phones and smart devices
Hardware-enhanced cloud security
Security and privacy aware sensors and sensor networks
Hardware-support for secure Internet-of-things
Hardware and architectural support for trust management
Hardware trojan threat evaluation, detection, and prevention
Hardware backdoors and countermeasures
Security simulation, testing, validation and verification
Architectural and hardware techniques for supporting digital forensics
Biometric hardware and implementation
Cyber war attack and defense techniques
Side-channel exploits, modeling and countermeasures
Attack-resilient hardware and architectural design
Hardware techniques for homeland security
Supply chain security
Cryptographic hardware design, implementation, and evaluation
FPGA security
Hardware based electronic and digital spoofing attacks
Analysis of real attacks and threat evaluation
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: March 15,2017
Author notification: March 31, 2017
Final manuscript due: April 7,2017
User Name : Anika
Posted 20-12-2016 on 14:41:45 AEDT
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